When Jenny Wren Was Young

'Twas once upon a time,

When Jenny Wren was young,

So daintily she danced

And so prettily she sung,

Robin Redbreast lost his heart.

For he was a gallant bird,

So he doffed his hat to Jenny Wren,

Requesting to be heard.

"O, dearest Jenny Wren,

If you will but be mine,

You shall feed on cherry pie

And drink new currant wine.

I'll dress you like a goldfinch

Or any peacock gay.

So, dearest Jen, if you'll be mine,

Let us appoint the day."

Jenny blushed behind her fan

And thus declared her mind:

"Since, dearest Bob, I love you well,

I take your offer kind;

Cherry pie is very nice

And so is currant wine,

But I must wear my plain brown gown

And never go too fine."

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