Homemade Wee Willie Winkie Costume

Wee Willie Winkie is an easy to assemble costume that relies heavily on props.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Pajamas, nightgown, nightshirt or oversized tshirt
  • Knit cap
  • Large scrap of fabric
  • Candlestick or lantern
  • Sturdy cardboard
  • Poster board
  • Paint, crayons or magic markers

Dress your child in the pajamas, nightgown or oversized tshirt.

Fold the fabric in half to form a triangle with the good side of the fabric on the inside.

Sew the fabric along the long side open edge and turn inside out.

Sew the open end of the triangle to the knit cap to form a nightcap.

Place the nightcap on your little one's head.

If you don't have a candlestick or lantern, draw one on the sturdy cardboard.

Paint or color the candlestick or lantern and cut out.

Draw a clock on the poster board with a face and hands.

Draw the hands with the little one on 10 and the large one seomwhere between 12 and 6.

Cut out the clock and pin to your child's pajama's or nightshirt.

Have them carry the candlestick or lantern.

There you have an adorable Wee Willie Winkie!

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