Tingle Tangle Titmouse

Come hither, little piggy-wig,

Come and learn your letters,

And you shall have a knife and fork

To eat with, like your betters.

"Oh no, " the little pig replied,

"My trough will do as well;

I'd rather eat my victuals there

Than learn to read and spell."

With a tingle tangle titmouse,

Robin knows great A,

B and C and D and E,

F, G, H, I, J, K.

Come hither, little pussycat;

If you will grammar study,

I'll give you silver clogs to wear

Whene'er the weather's muddy.

"Oh, if I grammar learn," said Puss,

"Your house will in a trice

Be overrun from top to bottom

With the rats and mice."

With a tingle tangle titmouse,

Robin knows great A,

B and C and D and E,

F, G, H, I, J, K.

Come hither, little puppy dog

I'll give you a new collar

If you will learn to read and spell

And be a clever scholar.

"Oh no," the little dog replied,

"I've other fish to fry,

For I must learn to guard the house

And bark when thieves are nigh."

With a tingle tangle titmouse,

Robin knows great A,

B and C and D and E,

F, G, H, I, J, K.

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