Old Mother Goose

Old Mother Goose, when

She wanted to wander,

Would ride through the air,

On a very fine gander.

Mother Goose had a house,

T'was built in a wood,

An owl by the door

For a porter stood.

She had a son Jack,

A plain looking lad,

He was not very good,

Not yet very bad.

She sent him to market,

A live goose he bought,

"Here mother," says he,

"It will not go for naught."

Jack's goose and her gander,

Grew very fond,

They'd both eat together,

Or swim in one pond.

Jack found one morning,

As I have been told,

His goose had laid him,

An egg of pure gold.

Jack rode to his mother,

The news for to tell,

She called him a good boy,

And said it was well.

And Old Mother Goose,

The goose saddled soon,

And mounting it's back,

Flew up to the moon.

Another version found simply stopped after........

An egg of pure gold.

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