Ice Cream, a penny a lump!

by Courtney Henry
(York, PA, USA)

Zoey the Ice Cream Cone

Zoey the Ice Cream Cone

My daugther Zoey loves the nursery rhyme: "Ice cream, a penny a lump! The more you eat, the more you jump. Eeper, Weeper, Chimney sweeper, Married a wife and could not keep her. Married another, Did not love her, Up the chimney he did shove her!" Because of this, she wanted to be an ice cream cone for Halloween. I designed this costume and my mother made it for her out of an old, upside down lampshade, covered with fabric. She also made a long piece of material to be stuffed with polyfill. We cut dowel rods and painted them various colors for the sprinkles!

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