Homemade Spider Costume

Need a spider to hang out with Little Miss Muffet?

Want your own itsby bitsy spider?

Here's an easy to put together homemade spider costume for any age child.

Heres' what you'll need:

  • Black sweat pants
  • Black sweatshirt or hoodie
  • Black ski cap
  • Black stockings or knee highs (depending on size of child)
  • White gloves
  • Tissue paper
  • Safety pins
  • Black pipe cleaners
  • Colored construction paper
  • Plastic head band
  • Glue
  • Make up or face paint
  • Needle and thread or fishing line

Dress your child in the sweat pants and sweatshirt or hoodie.

Stuff the hosiery or knee highs with the tissue paper to give the "legs" some bulk.

Pin the open end of the stocking or knee high to the sweatshirt on both side of the child.

Stuff gloves with tissue paper and pin to closed end of stockings.

Put one pair of gloves on the child's hands.

For their head, you have several options.

Glue the pipe cleaners to the headband for antennae.

Cut out colored construction paper to resemble eyes and glue to top of hoodie or a ski cap.

Add a little makeup.

For extra fun movement of the spider legs, sew legs together on each side with a long strand of thread or clear fishing line.

Be sure to have the legs attached to the arms of the sweatshirt as well.

Then with each arm movement that your itsy bitsy spider makes, all the legs will move.

You'll have one adorable spider!

Check our spider related nursery rhymes and activities!

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Little Miss Muffet

Spider Web Activity

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