Follow the instructions for our Hickory Dickory Dock activity under each line of the rhyme for a engaging fun time.
Hickory Dickory Dock
(clap hands with each word)
The mouse ran up the clock
(place left arm straight up and run your right fingers up your left arm)
The clock struck one
(over head, clap hands together once loudly)
The mouse ran down
(right fingers run down left arm while saying the words)
Hickory Dickory Dock
(clap hands with each word)
Hickory Dickory Dock
(clap hands with each word)
The mouse ran up the clock
(place left arm straight up and run your right fingers up your left arm)
The clock struck two
(overhead, clap twice loudly)
The mouse said Boo!
(say loudly with hands cupped around the mouth)
Hickory Dickory Dock
(clap with each word)
Hickory Dickory Dock
(clap with each word)
The mouse ran up the clock
(place left arm straight up and run your right fingers up your left arm)
The clock struck three
(overhead, clap three times loudly)
The mouse went Whee!
(slide right fingers down left arm quickly while saying the words)
Hickory Dickory Dock
(clap with each word)
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Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery Rhyme
Return to Hand and Fingerplay Activities from Hickory Dickory Dock Activity
Children love to play as they learn! Whether that's clapping to the rhythym of the verse, acting out the characters, playing games or creating great artwork!
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