Dance, thumbkin, dance,
Dance, you merry men, every one;
But thumbkin, he can dance alone,
Thumbkin, he can dance.
Dance, pointer, dance,
Dance, you merry men, every one;
But pointer, he can dance alone,
Pointer, he can dance.
Dance, longman, dance,
Dance, you merry men, every one;
But longman, he can dance alone,
Longman, he can dance.
Dance, ringman, dance,
Dance, you merry men, every one;
But ringman, he can dance alone,
Ringman, he can dance.
Dance, baby, dance,
Dance, you merry men, every one;
But baby, he can dance alone,
Baby, he can dance.
Dance Thumbkin Fingerplay - a fun fingerplay game for your toddler!
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