Bonny Lass Bonny lass, pretty lass, wilt thou be mine?

by Darcy Reaver
(Palm City, Fl USA)

Bonny Lass

Bonny Lass

I love nursery rhymes and vintage clothing. I decided to combine the two by creating a vintage costume for your nursery rhyme contest.

I had to make my own pattern for the costume I had in my for The Bonnie Lass.

I chose a Victorian style lady's dress. I made a satin jacket and pleated skirt.

The vest is from a cotton stripe and the ruffle is a white satin sewn to the collar of the jacket.

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Oct 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much. They grow so quickly.I want to make her childhood special.

Oct 31, 2013
Creative thinking
by: Bonnee

Very creative idea. Not a lot of quality costumes available for children. Thinking outside the box definitely works. Great job.

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